Monday, October 9, 2017


Dear Ones,

Take a deep breath - breathe easy. EVERYTHING is unfolding in PERFECT TIME.

Upheavals like you have never experienced are playing out right in front of your eyes, it is within yourselves, your families, your world. Everywhere you turn there is CHAOS - Chaos Dear Ones equals opportunity for change, and transformation.

At the beginning of this year 2017 we spoke of the New Beginnings and the ending of many old patters - you are certainly witnessing such.

Breathe, Dear Ones you are up for the task.

Through each new experience you are gaining new tools of awareness and the ability to grow with the flow - can you feel the growth Dear Souls?

In this lifetime these experiences have NEVER been felt in such rapid unfoldment.

Many of you feel completely exhausted. Your energies are expended. Breath, Dear Ones, rest when needed. Remember within your heart, your choice to experience this lifetime, knowing all would be dismantled and reconstructed and you were to be the Architects.

KNOWING, having faith and trust that all is in Divine and Perfect time allows you to flow in Ease and Grace - knowing the perfection of CREATION.

Dear Ones, each day is a new beginning for you. Allowing yourself to dust off and move forward to uncharted territory - for that is what each new day now brings. Allow your focus and your strength in preparedness for what unfolds.

Dear Ones, YOU are creating in each new moment - allow your INTENTION to be on creating with LOVE and the LIGHT you bring to this New Earth.

You are creating with the LOVE AND LIGHT that you are - these are your building blocks. Creation in this way can only then bring forth all that we hear you calling out for, in your prayers and desires.

You the Creator Beings, using your Love and Light modalities are striving to bring Eternal Peace to your Planet. LOVE commands ALL Beings be equal with Infinite Abundance flowing forth. This is what YOU are creating. You may only be “seeing reflected in the outer world” the opposite at this moment in time BUT in the very new moments ahead ALL will reign in LOVE AND LIGHT.

The Golden Age you are creating is right out in front of you. You are walking the path, talking the talk, and each step you take LIGHTS up the New Path for all to follow.

Keeping focusing on the LOVE AND LIGHT - it is all there is.

You are loved and supported by countless Beings at this juncture.

Reach out your hands - you will feel us.

Open your hearts - you will know us.

Right beside you Dear Hearts, always have been, only now you know it completely.

Shine your LOVE - be the LIGHT in someones life and that will expand exponentially within and around you.

Sacred times, exciting times, never experienced in full body EVER.

You are Mighty Creator Beings and so loved.

And it is so.


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