Monday, August 17, 2015

17th August, 2015

Monday Message - Archangel Michael     17th August 2015   Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

This is the perfect time for you to review your lives on Planet Earth. The August energy adjustments taking place in this NOW moment are assisting ALL of humanity to make choices. What will your choice Be?

As the Creators that you are, it is up to each of you individually and collectively to make choices that will affect how humanity moves forward at this time.

You can chose to stay in your old way of thinking with the “rat”ional mind, with fear being your loving guide, feeling stuck, scared, limited etc etc.


Now is the time to chose to live from the LOVE THAT YOU ARE with Trust, Faith, and Belief in the miraculous future that is unfolding before your eyes.

What choice will it be for You, Dear Ones?

You, as a collective have come so far in these past short years of rapid change for you and your Planet and you have shown such strength and resilience along that path. The new path you have been creating, is unfolding step by step beneath your feet.

In the old energy you trusted your “head” for your information and discernment and now for sometime we have been directing you towards you loving hearts, which have been growing and expanding rapidly. This is the Higher Heart, the Thymus Gland.

Many have noticed heart palpitations and issues around the heart. This has been in preparation for the expansion of a greater role for your beautiful hearts, to guide you into this next step of your evolution.

Your hearts hold the wisdom you required to make ANY decision necessary.

TRUST your magnificent hearts and each decision will be loving and inspiring, with greater depth and understanding.

Honour your hearts for the knowledge and wisdom which will be lovingly shared with you. This is what “knowing yourself, your TRUE self is all about.”

So much wisdom, knowledge and understanding awaits you Dear Ones as you tap into this resource, so readily available.

Your Divine Heart awaits your recognition of what lies within. You will be astounded when you truly take the time to acknowledge the Divinity within.

Magical times await Dear Ones, the tool box to assist you in your Evolution grows larger each day, all because you now look to yourselves for that Power you once gave away so freely to others.

You are the Power Centre of your Be-ing. As you acknowledge this Truth and work more intimately with “All that you are” amazing gifts will be called forth, as the limiting beliefs of the old “rat”ional mind slip away.

Such beauty, wisdom and knowledge each of you possess and it is now time for you to call it forward.

Fear, lack, limitation is who you once were and you cannot serve two Masters. You are no longer that be-ing. You have chosen LOVE to take you forward into this New Earth and once again you are the MASTER you came to be.

Chose LOVE always Dear Ones and watch how your life flourishes.

May your days be filled with LOVE eternally.

Standing with you basking in the LOVE/LIGHT you are all reflecting back.

We are with you always Dear Ones,

Please take time to breath these words into your Hearts and truly feel the LOVE THAT YOU ARE.

And so it is.


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